

Number of complaints



GHS 3 million +


GHS 135 million +

Suspended Transactions

GHS 283 million +

Suspended Transactions
People Sensitised

6 million +

People Sensitised


The OSP is prosecuting a number of corruption and corruption-related offences as mandated by section 2 (a) of the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act, 2017 (Act 959). The cases are at different stages of the trial process. Despite no convictions yet, the ongoing prosecutions are indicative of the Office’s commitment to bring all persons, regardless of social status and partisan affiliation, to face the law when corruption and corruption-related offences are levelled against them. Prosecutions are a major means of making corruption costly and unattractive.


Indicator Table For Prosecutions
S/N Indicator 2025 2024 2023 2022 Disaggregation Frequency of Collection
1 Number of prosecutions initiated 0 0 2 2 None Bi-annual
2 Pending prosecutions 0 3 3 0 None Bi-annual
3 Number of convictions 0 0 0 0 None Bi-annual
4 Number of acquittals 0 0 0 0 None Bi-annual
5 Number of discontinuances 0 0 1 1 None Bi-annual
6 Plea bargaining 0 0 0 0 None Bi-annual
7 Number of interim orders / processes 1 9 6 3 None Bi-annual
8 Number of pending civil cases 1 1 1 3 None Bi-annual

NB* All indicators reflect rolling case data.



The OSP is emmpowered by section 3 (1) (a)(b)(c) of Act 959 and regulation 6 of the L.I. 2374, to investigate acts of corruption and corruption related offences if the circumstances indicate same. Subsequent to pre-investigation processes, the OSP proceeds to perform thorough forensic investigations to substantiate facts of the alleged acts of corruption to enable successful prosecutions.


Indicator Table For Investigation
S/N Indicator 2025 2024 2023 2022 Disaggregation Frequency of Collection
1 Volume of Complaints Received 179** 169** 136 None Bi-annual
2 Number of Investigations Initiated
2 Number of Investigations Finalised 2 4 5 None Bi-annual
3 Number of Special Reports Published 2 3 1 None Bi-annual

**These figures are cumulative of previous years.

*Data reflects only publicly disclosed investigations..

Asset Recovered

Asset Recovered

In the event of successful prosecutions or the determination of the OSP that acts of corruption or corruption-related offences have occurred, it is empowered under section 65 of the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act, 2017 (Act 959) to, confiscate, recover, and manage tainted property. This specialised mandate enables the restitution of public assets lost through corruption to the state. In furtherance of the above mandate, the OSP has successfully recovered millions of cedis to the state. Additional recoveries will be made subject to the successful prosecution of ongoing cases.


Indicator Table For Asset Recovered
S/N Indicator 2025 2024 2023 2022 Disaggregation Frequency of Collection
1 Amount recovered TBD GHS 2,854,144.80 GHS 0 GHS 1,074,627.15 None Bi-annual
2 Amount saved TBD GHS 34,249,737.6 GHS 0 * GHS 101,227,369.23 None Bi-annual
3 Amount seized TBD TBD * GHS 516,000,000.00 GHS 0 None Bi-annual
4 Suspended transactions TBD TBD GHS 283,800,000.00 GHS 0 None Bi-annual


Pursuant to regulation 31 of the Office of the Special Prosecutor (Operations) Regulations, 2018 (L.I. 2374), the OSP is mandated to proactively prevent the occurrence of corruption and related offenses, resulting in significant savings for the public coffers. This entails implementing various measures to mitigate instances of grand corruption. Furthermore, the Office advocates implementation of additional measures and policies to prevent future corrupt practices, streamline administrative procedures in the public sector, and safeguard substantial financial resources. Through its vigilant and pre-emptive measures, the OSP effectively closes potential avenues for corruption, achieving the dual objectives of preventing corrupt activities and saving billions of Ghanaian cedis.


Indicator Table For Prevention
S/N Indicator 2025 2024 2023 2022 Disaggregation Frequency of Collection
1 Number of people reached with anti-corruption sensitisation: In-person TBD 6,665 1500 1000 None Bi-annual
2 Number of people reached with anti-corruption sensitisation: Traditional media TBD 4,071,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 None Bi-annual
3 Number of people reached with anti-corruption sensitisation: Social media TBD 2,006,984 500,000 + 150,000 + None Bi-annual
4 Number of corruption prevention programmes and projects initiated TBD 18 2 1 None Bi-annual