Corruption Perception Index (CPI)

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) was first launched in 1995 by Transparency International (T.I), an international non-governmental organization set up to tackle the issue of corruption globally.

The CPI scores countries on how corrupt their public sectors are seen to be, using the informed views of analysts, business people and experts in countries around the world. The Index ranks countries annually on a scale from 100 (very clean) to 0 (highly corrupt).

Ghana’s CPI Ranking

Ghana’s CPI scores are computed from 9 of the 13 sources used globally. The country entered the CPI in 2012 with a score of 45/100. Ghana achieved its highest score in 2014, with a score of 48/100. The country has struggled since then to replicate this score or do better.

global rank Global Ranking

70 / 180

africa rank Sub-Saharan Africa Ranking

8 / 49

Ghana’s CPI Ranking
Year Score Global Ranking Sub-Saharan Africa Ranking
2023 43 70/180 8/49
2022 43 72/180 8/49
2021 43 73/180 9/49
2020 43 75/180 10/49
2019 41 80/180 10/49
2018 41 78/180 10/49
2017 40 81/180 12/49
2016 43 70/176 9/46
2015 47 56/168 7/47
2014 48 61/174 8/48
2013 46 63/176 8/49
2012 45 64/175 7/48
To learn more about Transparency Index or to view the full results, you can visit

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