YAC at Roman Ridge School

20 March 2024

YAC YAC at Roman Ridge School

The OSP initiative aimed at mobilising Ghanaian youth to stand up against corruption, recognising its detrimental impact on their future, led the Office to the Roman Ridge School (TRRS) in Accra.


OSP actively engaged with both students and teachers at RRS, enlightening them about OSP's mission, the corrosive effects of corruption on their lives and society, and the proper channels for reporting corrupt activities with assured safety measures.

The programme included an open-floor discussion segment, allowing students to pose questions and share thoughts on the OSP's presentation and the overarching issue of corruption.


During the open discussion session, the questions touched on the difference between embezzlement and money laundering; how the Office is able to guarantee the anonymity of whistleblowers; how the Office’s investigations can prove someone liable, yet court proves them innocent and the reason the office was just established in 2018 even though corruption has always been an issue in Ghana.

YAC at Roman Ridge School
YAC at Roman Ridge School
YAC at Roman Ridge School