St. John Grammar School benefits from OSP’s YAC initiative

6 June 2024

YAC Students during the presentation

The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) in its continuous effort to build upon a youth-focused corruption prevention initiative has engaged students at St. John’s Grammar Senior High School in Accra.


Officers from the OSP on 26 April 2024, engaged the students on the effect of corruption on their lives and society, the work of the OSP, and how to safely report corruption.
The enthusiastic learners took advantage of the session to acquaint themselves with the various corruption reporting mechanisms, and their role as youth in combatting corruption.

A total of 1,596 students participated in the session, made up of 1, 029 females and 567 males.

Cross Section of students listening attentively to the presentation
Q & A
Presentaion by OSP staff