The Special Prosecutor, the Deputy Special Prosecutor and the Officers of the OSP have the powers of a police officer under the Criminal and other Offences (Procedure) Act, 1960 (Act 30) and under any other law. The powers of the OSP include the following:  

  • Arrest 
  • Search and take possession of documents  
  • Seizure of suspected tainted property – movable and immovable 
  • Seizure and detention of currency suspected to be proceeds of corruption 
  • Direct declaration of property and income 
  • Freezing of property 
  • Render orders for disclosure of funds and other assets 
  • Render confiscation orders 
  • Render pecuniary penalty orders 
  • Realise property 
  • Property tracing 
  • Lift veil 
  • Protect witnesses, victims, whistleblowers and informants 
  • Appoint Receivers to manage and preserve realisable property 
  • Manage seized assets 
  • Demand disclosure of funds 
  • Demand disclosure of assets


Some of these powers are exercised upon applications to the High Court. The OSP is not subject to the direction or control of any person or authority in the performance of its functions, except as provided in the Constitution. 

The Office is, for the purposes of its functions, authorised by the Attorney-General to initiate and conduct the prosecution of corruption and corruption-related offences. 

The OSP may be requested by Parliament, in the public interest, to investigate alleged or suspected cases of corruption or a corruption-related offence involving public officers, politically exposed persons or persons in the private sector. 

The OSP is authorised to exercise powers connected with the object of the Office.